Annie McKnight
Founder / Director
From Annie:
The vision for Stafford Farm School was put on my heart in the middle of summer in 2020. While I loved the idea of homeschooling, I saw the huge benefit of my kids learning alongside peers and sharpening skills like presenting, voicing their thoughts in front of others, learning to focus despite distractions etc. When we opened, I learned to love and appreciate our little school for so much more! Our family enjoys slow mornings together, my kids have so much more time together throughout the day, the classroom culture grew friendships that are so deep, genuine and unlike anything I’ve seen at that age and the community of families is truly priceless. I am forever grateful that God called me to this mission!
My bucket gets filled when I see kid's learning in an environment filled with love, intention, purpose, creativity and Jesus! And that's why my bucket gets filled every day at SFS! When I'm not pouring my heart into this sweet school you can find me exercising, enjoying the outdoors and being my kid's biggest cheerleader from the sidelines of a sports field.