At Stafford Farm School we design our program with great intention at each grade level. We believe that learning does not need to be boring and that kids retain information far better when they learn with a hands on approach! We individualize learning to challenge students right at their level, helping them grow in confidence while building the skills of determination and endurance. Additionally, we love to weave in our faith in Jesus into everything we do and to help kids see God in things like math, nature, science and people.
Academics for students K-8th

Elementary School
We believe the elementary years are a cornerstone of childhood. This golden age is full of discovery, wonder and limitless imagination. At Farm School we seek to foster a child's love for learning, their knowledge and love for Christ, and their growing friendships!
SFS Elementary Highlights
We love inspiring students to become great authors! We cover areas like personal narratives, informational reports, opinion papers and fiction narratives.
Service Projects
At SFS we want kids to have tangible opportunities to see the needs of others and learn that they can be used by God to help!
Bible Navigation
In all classes students learn how to read the Bible and have scripture memorization to deepen their love for Jesus.
Students attend Spanish class once each week and are taught by our incredibly gifted and dynamic Spanish teacher. It's a highlight of their week.
Computer Literacy
Computer literacy is a lifelong tool. Students are taught typing, Google suite, and research skills at age appropriate grades.
Christmas Program
SFS students hit the stage to sing, dance and memorize lines. Each December we put on a memorable Christmas Program for all our family and friends.
Huddle is our weekly chapel experience for kids to worship and read God's word as they learn how to put it in action in their real, everyday lives.
Each week kids have PE to learn skills, develop teamwork and have fun moving their body in a healthy way!
Middle School
The bridge from Elementary to Junior High
Although most schools in our area follow traditional middle school for 6th-8th graders, we approach these years a bit differently! Our Junior High program serves students in 7th and 8th grade focusing on building skills that will prepare them for the transition to High School. Because of this, our Middle School classes provide 5th-6th grade students more independence and responsibility than elementary students while still preserving some of the fun and festive elements kids this age love.

Middle School Highlights
Students are split out by grade for the first half of the day when they do their core subject lessons. These homerooms allow students to connect with their grade level peers while also getting to know more kids in other grade levels.
Multiple teachers & breaks
Similar to our Junior High classes, students in our 5th-6th classes have different teachers throughout the day for both core subjects and specials. Having multiple teachers helps prepare students for both Junior High at SFS and beyond when they launch into High School.
Students participate in electives once a week studying anything from coding to art to leadership. Electives are a great opportunity for students to build life skills, explore new interests and hear from expert in their fields.
Junior High
Preparing students for life beyond childhood
At SFS we believe that helping students know and follow Jesus is the best thing we can offer them. We dig deep into God's Word so kids know can see and experience God's goodness and how to navigate questions and challenges from a Biblical perspective.
We believe that learning is a life long gift and encourage all students at SFS to enjoy learning and being curious about the world God created. Students have flexibility in their schedule to explore interests, skills and passions.
Students are equipped and empowered to become leaders both within the school and in their personal lives. As students self-govern they build crucial life skills that will prepare them for high school and beyond.
We are raising the next generation of leaders and world changers! Helping shape students to grow in the likeness of Jesus and become kind and courageous part of the world around them. Investing in who each student is becoming is a top priority of SFS.

Why a hybrid approach for older kid?
1. More margin & slower pace
The schedule of 3 days of in class learning allows time for families to slow down and enjoy the short and beautiful season of their youth.
3. Community for kids & parents
SFS has a robust community of families that are "in it together" to raise kids intentionally and have a lot of fun in the process!
2. Interest Led Learning
Kids have time in their weekly at home learning to explore interests, hobbies, and life skills.
4. Parents are active in academics
Parents get an up close role in educating their child with the guidance of skilled educational professionals.